
Since Marco opened his own boutique, he's never looked back. look back:to think about something that happened in the past Janet enjoys the work so much that it was actually a labour of love. labour of love:something that is hard work but t…

Could you put me through to Henderson, please? I don't go in for office parties. She'll never get round to doing it. Webster's are taking on more staff. Terry doesn't take after his father. The Whiteheads are doing up their house.

turn in => go to bed butt in => interrupt come across => find by accident take away => subtract

Windows XP Proが動く、もっとも貧弱な環境とは? 起動にかかる時間は30分、CPU使用率は常に100%、遅すぎてPCIカードが使えずISA経由でグラフィック・カードを繫いだマシンでXP Proが動く姿は感動的だ。 68k MacでPanther 起動画面のアップルマークが出るま…

ジンギスカン専門店 麻布羊屋 神楽坂店




I can't keep up with the Joneses. My grandmother often looks back on her childhood. What do you take me for? An idiot? Marie said I should look her up next time I'm in Hong Kong. Ugh! What a smell! This milk has gone off. We need to come u…

let down go about go back turn down come into 転がり込む get across to


あまり意味が無いですが、CPA受験のためアメリカの大学の会計単位を取得しました。貿易黒字解消のために、無駄な金を払わされてるような気もしますが、あまり考えないことにします。 Introduction to Financial Accounting ACCT-7401 A 2・2/3 2007 Winter


パラサイト・ミドルの衝撃サラリーマン― 45歳の憂鬱 NTT出版ライブラリーレゾナント016作者: 三神万里子出版社/メーカー: NTT出版発売日: 2005/10/13メディア: 単行本(ソフトカバー)購入: 1人 クリック: 12回この商品を含むブログ (16件) を見る社外では通…

【ウンこずタッパー】 うんこ売りをしていた大学職員(女)逮捕。HP閉鎖か?


counterfeit: made to look exactly like something else, in order to deceive people [= fake] pension:an amount of money paid regularly by the government or company to someone who does not work any more, for example because they have reached …

内なるネコ作者: ウィリアムバロウズ,William Burroughs,山形浩生出版社/メーカー: 河出書房新社発売日: 1994/10/01メディア: 単行本 クリック: 14回この商品を含むブログ (12件) を見る〈図説〉中東戦争全史 (Rekishi gunzo series―Modern warfare)出版社/…

温厚な上司の怒らせ方 [DVD]出版社/メーカー: ビクターエンタテインメント発売日: 2006/09/22メディア: DVD購入: 1人 クリック: 100回この商品を含むブログ (46件) を見るhttp://rik.skr.jp/archives/2005/03/post_805.html

would/could have

If I had left home early, I would have been on time. If I had had enough money, I could have bought the picture. If we hadn't spent three hours in a traffic jam, we could have seen the aquarium. http://www.englishcafe.jp/english2nd/day37.h…

overdraft->BFB the amount of money you owe to a bank when you have spent more money than you had in your account: 当座貸越のこと well-off->1 having a lot of money, or enough money to have a good standard of living [≠ badly-off]: Many pensi…


今のところこんなステータスです。 禁煙日数 36 日 節約金額 約 5,864 円 禁煙本数 366本 意外と体調もよくならないし、お金も節約できてない感じです。が、このまま二度とタバコを吸わない気がします。

must have->used to say you think something is very likely to be true or very likely to have happened:His new car must have cost around £20,000. She enjoyed her own company.(車内広告にあった東京女子大学の入試問題)

どの民族が戦争に強いのか?―戦争・兵器・民族の徹底解剖 (光人社NF文庫)作者: 三野正洋出版社/メーカー: 光人社発売日: 2006/03/01メディア: 文庫 クリック: 2回この商品を含むブログ (5件) を見る

worn out->very tired because you have been working hard:too old or damaged to be used: raze [transitive usually passive]->to completely destroy a town or building: demolish [transitive]->to completely destroy a building: inducement[uncount…

clue vehemently boast happen to know

sigh grumble suppose persuade http://www.eigotown.com/eigocollege/nav.php3?c=2

obsolete:no longer useful, because something newer and better has been invented [↪ out-of-date]:


http://www.ldoceonline.com/ lapse : if a contract, agreement etc lapses, it comes to an end, usually because an agreed time limit has passed: redeem : get something backBFL to buy back something which you left with someone you borrowed mon…

海鮮もんじゃ 片岡



http://www.iodata.jp/prod/storage/dvd/2005/dvr-um16s/ I-O DATA DVR-UM16S 2ソウDVD±R対応DVDハイパーマルチドライブ出版社/メーカー: アイ・オー・データ発売日: 2005/04/30メディア: Personal Computers クリック: 3回この商品を含むブログ (1件) を見る