1. Since Marco opened his own boutique, he's never looked back.
      1. look back:to think about something that happened in the past
    2. Janet enjoys the work so much that it was actually a labour of love.
      1. labour of love:something that is hard work but that you do because you want to
    3. They won't win the court case because they don't have a leg to stand on.
      1. not have a leg to stand on:to be in a situation where you cannot prove or legally support what you say:
    4. Iggy always speaks his mind and ends up insulting people.
      1. speak your mind:to tell people exactly what you think, even if it offends them:
    5. I had the same idea as you! Great minds think alike.
      1. great minds think alike:spoken used humorously when you and another person have had the same idea
    6. Joe's mother is quite sensitive, so mind your p's and q's.
      1. p と q を書き間違えないようにと先生が生徒に注意したことから。
      2. 印字は左右逆になっているので p と q を間違えて拾わないように印刷所で注意したことから。
      3. イギリスのパブで客の飲んだ酒の量を p = pint(パイント)と q =quart(クォート) で表し勘定を請求する時に間違えないように注意したから。
      4. prime quality (最高の質)から。
      5. Please と thank you から。


    1. Time's running out so I'll be hard pressed to finish it in time.
      1. hard pressed:having a lot of problems and not enough money or time: